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About us 協會簡介
Who are we serving?
1. South Africans in Taiwan.
2. South Africans who want to come to Taiwan for short or long-term business, work, study, culture, or sport.
3. Taiwanese who have a link to or interest in South Africa.
Who are we engaging in this process?
1. South Africans.
2. Taiwanese who have lived in or have family in South Africa.
3. Anyone who loves South Africa and wants to support and further the goals of the Association.
1. 在台灣之南非人。
2. 需短期或長期來台洽公、留學、進行文化或體育交流之南非人。
3. 與南非相關或對南非感興趣之台灣人。
1. 南非人。
2. 在南非定居之台灣人。
3. 喜愛南非或想要助協會一臂之力之大眾。
What does SATAI want to accomplish? 組織想要達到什麼目的?
1. Create and maintain an organised, connected, represented community of South African businesses, teachers, students and individual expats.
2. Establish programs in the fields of Commerce, Academia, The Performing Arts, Culture, and Sport for the betterment of exchange between Taiwan and South Africa.
2. 在商業、學術、表演藝術、文化、體育、教育等領域建立方案,促進台灣與南非之間的交流。
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